Thursday, February 7, 2008

Layered Curriculum the Third

I had to put down an insurrection in 6th period today. They wanted to abandon the Layered Curriculum and go back to tests. I pointed out that except for a couple of them, they all sucked at tests. They didn't care, they wanted lectures and tests back. I know why: Layered Curriculum forces them to work. I pointed out that I'm the one that plans the lessons.

We're sticking with Layered Curriculum.

1 comment:

Teacha said...

Please keep posting on this. I was thinking about instituting something like this in my classroom. I've been doing a lot of group work lately. The kids in the low performing classes hate it. I told them it was designed to make them more successful. Maybe a layered curriculum would work better. I might try it next six weeks with them.