Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Help

I've been uncomfortable with US History this year. My old, free-wheeling style really hasn't been working with this year's Juniors. They need more structure than in past years. This morning I approach my colleague who teaches AP US History. He showed me what he does and then directed me to the website where he found it.

It's called Layered Curriculum. With each unit, I hand them a sheet of paper that tells them what assignments/activities they need to do to get each level of grade. Differentiation is built in. It was developed by Dr. Kathie Nunley and the basics are available for free at

I have a lot of work to do to prepare this, but I should be able to introduce it to my students in a week. I'm really excited.

1 comment:

Teacha said...

I think this is a pretty cool site. I don't know that I could convert to this type of curriculum b/c I wonder about allowing the liberty needed in class for them to complete the activities. But I love the general idea of the activities and I will probably "steal" a couple of activities to do in my own class as group/independent activities. Thanks so much for sharing.