Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Where was I when the world stopped turning?

I had left the computer business (progamming & technical writing) for??? I didn't know. I was still a ways away from deciding on teaching. I was working in the hardware dept. of a Home Depot, hustling to get it open in a week.

On Sept. 11, 2001, I was scheduled to go in at noon or 1 pm, or something like that. My then girlfriend, now wife, called me and said she'd heard a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. I didn't know, because I believed then as now that daytime TV makes you stupid. Anyway, I turned it on in time to see the second jet go into it. Then I just sat and watched it until the building came down.

I found that I didn't want revenge. I still don't. I can't see this as an act of war, to be responded to with war. This was a criminal act, to be treated with arrest and trial. I believe in the rule of law. I believe in courts and juries. I believe in punishment for crimes committed. From time to time I may think of revenge for situations, but I don't believe in it.

I love the direction I've moved in my life. I'm sad about some past events, including this one, but I'm happy.

(I got the title question from Janet at The Art of Getting By.)

1 comment:

Janet said...

It's good to see there's another teacher out there that didn't take the events that seriously initially. Now I don't feel so bad and I also know better. Thanks for participating!