Sunday, August 19, 2007

I'm it.

I was tagged with a teaching meme by leesepea at But wait! There's more...

1. I am a good teacher because...
I care, and they know it.

2. If I weren’t a teacher, I would be... retired? Building a cabin at the lake? Definitely hanging more with my grandson.

3. My teaching style is... evolving. My catch phrases this year are "personal responsibility", "peer instruction", & "extended response".

4. My classroom is... alive and colorful.

5. My lesson plans are... reminder notes.

6. One of my teaching goals is...
to spend more time on the Civil Rights Movement.

7. The toughest part of teaching is...
the kids who just don't care.

8. The thing I love most about teaching is...
when a student who thought he couldn't succeed does.

9. A common misconception about teaching is...
it's a cush job.

10. The most important thing I’ve learned since I started teaching is...
you're not going to do it all.

Okay, that was my first. Now, to bed in preparation for week two.

1 comment:

leesepea said...

Thanks for playing along!