Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Winter Wonderland...Again

Another snow day. (I'm including a picture of our house from the last one, because it looks the same. That bright dot in the sky is the sun, not moon.) This one is a bit different. Not only is it Wednesday & St. Valentine's Day, it's also a long scheduled In-Service day. Students were off anyway. They're not missing anything.

The day was planned for us to train for Next Step meetings at the end of the month. Next Step was ordained by the state legislature to track and guide students to life after public school. We teachers meet with parents and their students to go over transcripts and discuss options. I and others have been requesting better training. This was to be it. We also were to go through an "electives fair" to learn about electives available and how they relate to the Career Pathways we're going to next year. I consider this a big loss.

My wife and I are going in to work for a few hours, then off for a Valentine's Day lunch.

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