Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Home Stretch

Seniors have 3 weeks of instruction left, as of today. They have a total of 16 days left all together. We're having potlucks in my 3 economics classes during block periods today and tomorrow. So far, the food's been pretty good.

Most teachers save the parties for the end of the year. I know from past experience that my students will be scrambling those last few days to get their final projects done. That's one of the reasons I haven't done this for a couple of years. The other is that they've been more hassle than nutrition. I even brought myself a sandwich today as back-up. However, this year I restricted it to my seniors and so far they've come through. We just spent a crushing week on monetary policy, so they needed the break. We got the food out and distributed, then I gave them the assignment of making posters of the functions of the Federal Reserve.

Down side: I have a student I took on for Independent Study of Gov't because he failed it last semester. He's been avoiding me for over a month. I'd track him down, he'd promise to start coming, then I wouldn't see him until the next time I tracked him down. I'm done. He's not graduating next month.

1 comment:

CaliforniaTeacherGuy said...

I just read your mini-profile to the right of this post. I'm glad to know I'm not alone in getting into teaching late. I'm just completing my third year--and I'm in my 50s!