Thursday, April 12, 2007

Kurt Vonnegut Jr

With all this noise about Imus, I'd like to acknowledge the transition of someone who truly mattered.

I first read Vonnegut when PIayer Piano was assiged to my Intor to Data Processing class in 1967 (we used punch cards on mainframes.) I encountered Cat's Cradle at the right time in my life, as a sophomore at NMSU in 1968. I remember reading Mother Night with laughter and outrage. I still count Slaughterhouse Five as right up there with Huckleberry Finn as one of the best American novels. He used satire in a gentle way. His whimsey was serious. He knew and used the language to take me somewhere else, with though and purpose. Kurt Vonnegut Jr was truly a Great American Writer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.